
Rice flour - 1 container

Wheat flour - 2 tblsp

Matured Banana - 2 or 3

Chestnut sugar - 1/2 glass

cardomom powder - 3/4 tsp

Preparing Powder - 1/4 tsp

Toasted sesame seeds-2 tsp


1. Mix the banana pleasantly utilizing a blender or mixie.

2. Include rice flour , wheat flour, chestnut sugar, heating powder, cardamom and mix it together. Add the sesame seeds to hitter.

3. The consistency of the hitter ought to be minimal thicker than the idli player.

4. Heat the paniyaram griddle(puffed flapjack frying pan made of cast Iron).

5. Add few drops of oil to every gap and pour the hitter.

6. At the point when the edges turns brilliant cocoa flip it,so that the other side will cook.

7. Permit it to cook on medium warmth for another couple of minutes. On the off chance that the warmth is too high, the outside will get sautéed up too quick before within is cooked.

8. At the point when the unniappam is done, it is similar to a ball and turns out effectively from the frying pan. Yummy unniappam is prepared to serve